
I’m a graphic designer who likes to collect stamps amongst other design ephemera (empty beer cans keep as examples of great packaging design, old train tickets from around the world and lots and lots of posters!)

I have a soft spot for stamps as they are an overlooked piece of design. In the design world where brand identities are admired, ad campaigns celebrated and the fine arts appreciated, stamps fall below the very bottom rung of the ladder.

Which is a shame, really.

As I familiarised myself more with philately and mingled with other stamp collectors I realised it was a dying hobby. The people I meet at stamp shows and auctions are of an older generation, mostly retired old men. Not only am I often the youngest (late 20s mind you) but also the only woman in the room. This is also compounded by the fact that people are selling stamps collections they have inherited and people buying them through estate sales.

When you take a closer look, stamps are really a beautiful considered piece of design. A well designed stamp is one that ages gracefully or better yet doesn't even age at all. I hope to introduce a new generation of people to philately, whether you’re a designer like me, a stationery lover, or even a cheap skate (we do sell discounted postage stamps). It’s a very affordable hobby that costs as little as a few cents.

If you have any questions or want to say hi you can shoot me an email at hello@perforatedstamps.com.
